Thursday, April 10, 2014

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF . . . . . . .?

The post WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF . . . . . . .? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. What Would You Do If The Economy Collapsed Again? Seriously, what would you do if our economy collapsed again? Would you be afraid? Do you think you would lose your home? Would you have to downsize your home? Would you have to take your kids out of private school, if they are in private school? Sure, you could blame anything or anybody but if you had an opportunity to take action before this happened to you, would you? What Would You Do If You Lost Your Job? What would you do if your company downsized, which a lot of them do and have done, and your job was one of the positions eliminated? Would you look for another job? Well, if you read my previous post, you would realize that wouldn t be the most logical or best way to go! Would you be able to find another job right away? How long do you think it would take you to find another good paying job, that is if the job you have right now is a good payi

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