Thursday, April 3, 2014


The post ARE YOU LIVING A DIGITAL LIFESTYLE? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. What is a Digital Lifestyle? Many people probably have heard the term before but have no idea what a digital lifestyle really is. The principle is not new but the terminology is. In a nutshell, it s working anytime from anywhere in the world with a computer, tablet or desktop computer as long as you have an internet connection. Boy, that was a mouthful! Let me go into a little more detail. The digital lifestyle is a lifestyle completely different from what you  probably are accustomed to. Than again, you could very well be living a digital lifestyle and don t realize it. What s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Do you go to the bathroom or do you check your phone? Some of you might check your phone or iPad while you are in the bathroom! I m guilty. You are checking out what s on Facebook, Twitter or some other social network. You are apart of the digital lifestyle. You are apar

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