Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The post TEACH YOUR KIDS TO SET GOALS! appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. HELP THEM SET GOALS! I just had a conversation with my 19 year old son. I was shocked to hear that he hadn t set any goals, especially given the fact that he is a college student. I m partly to blame because I never really took the time to sit down with him and properly explain the importance of how and why to set goals. You would figure that being in the home with me, someone who is goal oriented, it would rub off. But, I found out it doesn t work quite like that. Sit your kids down and have a heart to heart with them. Explain to them the importance of having and setting goals. Let them know that without goals, life will eat them up,spit them out and not give a damn about them! Make sure you explain that goals should be clear, concise, be measurable and most importantly, be attainable. I told my son a man without a goal is like a ship at sea without a destination port. You are subject to whatever the win

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