Monday, April 21, 2014


The post JUMP TO BE SUCCESSFUL! appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. You Have To Jump To Be Successful! What does jump to be successful mean? It means if you want to be successful, you have got to do something! It s not just going to come to you. You have got to get off that comfortable couch and take a leap of faith! I did a post a short time ago titled How Bad Do You Want Success?. You may remember it. If not, click here and check it out. I got a lot of comments on that particular post. I guess it began to wake people up. Well, what I m about to share with you should do more than wake you up. It should make you jump out of your seats! I came across this video from Steve Harvey that goes hand in hand with my How Bad Do You Want Success post.I guess I m on the right track. He sums it all up in less than 2 minutes. I thought I d share it with you. That really sums it up! If you ever wonder why things seem to happen for others and not for you, it s probably because they took that l

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