Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The post TEACH YOUR KIDS TO SET GOALS! appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. HELP THEM SET GOALS! I just had a conversation with my 19 year old son. I was shocked to hear that he hadn t set any goals, especially given the fact that he is a college student. I m partly to blame because I never really took the time to sit down with him and properly explain the importance of how and why to set goals. You would figure that being in the home with me, someone who is goal oriented, it would rub off. But, I found out it doesn t work quite like that. Sit your kids down and have a heart to heart with them. Explain to them the importance of having and setting goals. Let them know that without goals, life will eat them up,spit them out and not give a damn about them! Make sure you explain that goals should be clear, concise, be measurable and most importantly, be attainable. I told my son a man without a goal is like a ship at sea without a destination port. You are subject to whatever the win

Monday, April 21, 2014


The post JUMP TO BE SUCCESSFUL! appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. You Have To Jump To Be Successful! What does jump to be successful mean? It means if you want to be successful, you have got to do something! It s not just going to come to you. You have got to get off that comfortable couch and take a leap of faith! I did a post a short time ago titled How Bad Do You Want Success?. You may remember it. If not, click here and check it out. I got a lot of comments on that particular post. I guess it began to wake people up. Well, what I m about to share with you should do more than wake you up. It should make you jump out of your seats! I came across this video from Steve Harvey that goes hand in hand with my How Bad Do You Want Success post.I guess I m on the right track. He sums it all up in less than 2 minutes. I thought I d share it with you. That really sums it up! If you ever wonder why things seem to happen for others and not for you, it s probably because they took that l

Monday, April 14, 2014


The post 3 KEYS TO STARTING AN ONLINE BUSINESS appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. Starting An Online Business  When starting an online business, one of the things most people don t think about is if there is a market for what they want to do. It s much easier to roll with an existing market instead of trying to create a new market. If you are going to fish, you go where the fish are. Do not try to reinvent the wheel. This statement right here is worth more than you ll ever know: Find someone that is having success doing what you want to do and duplicate what they are doing! One of the easiest ways to determine if there is interest in what you want to just Google it. I know. Google is the new adjective! That will tell you if you have something people are interested in. Just look at the number of searches that come back. How to get to your targeted audience is a whole different thing. We ll focus on that another time. Is Starting An Online Business Easy To Do? This is another f

Thursday, April 10, 2014

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF . . . . . . .?

The post WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF . . . . . . .? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. What Would You Do If The Economy Collapsed Again? Seriously, what would you do if our economy collapsed again? Would you be afraid? Do you think you would lose your home? Would you have to downsize your home? Would you have to take your kids out of private school, if they are in private school? Sure, you could blame anything or anybody but if you had an opportunity to take action before this happened to you, would you? What Would You Do If You Lost Your Job? What would you do if your company downsized, which a lot of them do and have done, and your job was one of the positions eliminated? Would you look for another job? Well, if you read my previous post, you would realize that wouldn t be the most logical or best way to go! Would you be able to find another job right away? How long do you think it would take you to find another good paying job, that is if the job you have right now is a good payi

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The post DO YOU WANT A JOB? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. Do You Really Want A Job? Do you want a job is a major question nowadays.  However, before you answer that question, read these 6 points that  CNN Money reported Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve Chair, had to say: Worker compensation has increased on average by 2% per year since the recession. Approximately 3.8 million workers have been out of work for more than 6 months. Roughly 7 million people who are working part-time really want to work full-time. Employers are thinking twice about creating new jobs. Fewer people are leaving their jobs. Only 63% of adult Americans participate in the job market meaning they have a job or are looking for one. What does all this mean for you? Jobs are far and few between and chances are, if you find a job, it s probably going to be something that you really don t want to do or it doesn t pay enough. On the other hand, if you already have a job, you are probably looking for somethin

Monday, April 7, 2014


The post DO YOU HAVE THE SECRET? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. What is The Secret? The Secret is whatever you put into the atmosphere, comes back to you. It s the universal law, the law of attraction. It s a feeling or belief that you can have or achieve anything you want in this life. If you want to be a writer, you can. If you want to be an artist, you can. If you want to be rich, you can. The Secret says you can have or do anything you want!  It s been proven throughout history. Some may say it s spiritual. Some may say it s universal. The fact is, you are what you believe you are. If you think you are a failure, guess what? If you think you are successful, guess what? How Do You Tap Into The Secret? The Secret is a state of mind. True story example. I played collegiate basketball, division II level. During my freshman and sophomore years, my coach told me I could not shoot 3 pointers because I wasn t good at it. He said that wasn t my game. In spite of what he said, I

Sunday, April 6, 2014


The post HOW BAD DO YOU WANT SUCCESS? appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. Really, How Bad Do You Want Success? How bad do you want success means different things to different people. It s a question that we often don t ask ourselves. I believe many of us don t want to ask ourselves this question because deep down inside we are afraid of the answer. Let s explore a little. Have you asked yourself how bad do you want success? If no, why not? Do you have anything you want to be successful at? It can be a relationship, your job, a business venture, a sport, playing a musical instrument, etc. This is probably one of the most important things you can do is ask yourself this. How bad do you want success helps you with your goals! This one question helps you define your goals and gives you purpose in your endeavors. It gives you purpose and drive. It heightens your determination. It gets your blood pumping! It can make you mad and turns your anger into motivation. Are you starting to un