Saturday, March 29, 2014


The post BEING AN ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR appeared first on The Digital DadPreneur. Being An Online  Entrepreneur In The Past Do you remember when the internet first became public? Nobody knew what it was and lots of people feared it because they didn t understand it. Here s a thought, remember that dial up service? Can you imagine being an online entrepreneur back then? Boy was that a joke but back then. However, we didn t think it was a joke at the time. We were excited! We thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Was that dial tone the most annoying sound or what? It took forever to connect to the internet and the connection was always failing. Being an online entrepreneur during those times could not have been easy. It was all new. Unlike today, you had nothing to learn from. Everything was being pioneered. However, we were just excited to be able to hear that message You ve got mail! Being An Online Entrepreneur Today Being an online entrepreneur today is a whole different

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